the bottolene bunch had an action packed holiday. we attended good friday service in monticello with my dad and margie, and spent some of the day saturday at my dad's. sunday we were at my aunt and uncles for the big charlebois gathering. an egg hunt and brunch were the events, and everyone was thankful for the warm spring day. we then arrvied at our house just in time for the bottolenes to come for another egg hunt and lasagna dinner. we served both a meat and vegetable lasagna. believe it or not.. i was the one who made the veggie one, and it was actually good. don't get too excited mom, it isn't like i am going to start cooking. but i was proud of myself. even greater compliments were given to scott.. who some said made a lasagna better than his nanny (who is an authentic italian).
i didn't take out the camera for part two of easter, but will get some pictures up of those cute massie kids soon!
we hope you had a wonderful easter, and took time to reflect on what easter means to you.
ava finds her first egg.

pp and rae.

coby the boy.

Coby is so cute....and so are the others! :) Good job Martha!