anyone know that neil diamond song? ha ha.
anyway... sorry. i have been MIA as far as blog.. and internet life goes completely.
wish i could say it was some sort of pledge on my part.. to be on the computer less. it wasn't really intentional, however.. i have enjoyed the little break.. or at least not being so attached to checking email, facebook, etc.
since my last post... we have been busy. the first two weeks of june were the end of my school year. that is always a busy, fun, somewhat sad time.
this year, i attended the 8th grade graduation. it was my very first class.. i taught most of them when they were in grade 3. i teared up on several occasions as i sat in the audience. i listened to essays they had written, and was amazed at how well they can write. i watched as certain kids were honored. i cried when it was mentioned that two of the 8th graders had lost parents during their years at MJDS. i thought of how much i will cry when my own kids graduate.
we have also been out enjoying the summer as best we can. this summer, compared to last the three kids and i are out and about. we have been to many pools, parks and playdates. we play in our own kiddie pool. we just enjoy each and everyday the best we know how.
florence is now walking everywhere. vinnie is getting closer, although he has pretty much mastered crawling, and would rather do that instead. they are complete delights. it is so hard to believe we are nearing a year since they were born. wow.
ava is for sure a three year old, as she will often tell you. she is very verbal.. for better or worse. she too, is a delight, and makes me laugh everyday. we look forward to the babies morning nap.. when we get some alone mommy/ava time.
we have gone to the lake a lot on the weekends... which gives us time to relax, swim and enjoy life as a family. we have some projects going on around the house too.. but i will write more about that another time. v and f just woke from a nap.. so i am off to play with them.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
what do YOU have down there?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
fave foto friday.. on tuesday
baby girl

florence james...
11 months is here today. i can't believe where the time went. you, like your brother certainly have your own personality. we are equally excited to watch you grow and develop. so far you are independent, assertive, and persistent. you don't like to snuggle, unless it is in the middle of the night... which i will take any day. you love to smile, wave hi and bye-bye, and take your brothers toys whenever you can. your dedication and motivation amaze me... especially at your young age. you are walking.. took four steps tonight in fact. what you lack in size you make up for in spirit. you are my baby girl. cheers to you wonder woman. i love you.
my boy is 11 months..

vincent king,
for only one short month you are still considered an infant. this year has gone by so quickly. i can't wait to watch you grow into your personality.. although there are so many traits that are already obvious. you are a momma's boy like no other.. which is 100 percent okay with me. you are sensitive, like to tease me by saying dada instead of mama, and love to snuggle. you are moving quickly around the house.. speed crawling i would call it. you also walk along ther furniture, and are so proud of your accomplishments. you love to play in the bathroom, and both your dad and i have found you splashing in the toilet... speaking of splashing, you love the bathtub. thanks for being my's to the last month of babyhood!
i love you buddy.
random summer pics.
i ain't gonna paint no more...
last summer, scott brought ava a book home called "i ain't gonna paint no more..." to which a kid paints parts of his body.. his whole body to some cute little rhyme. last weekend ava was trying to recreate the picture in the book.
as she painted her body, she was quoting the book.... "oh there ain't no harm, if i paint my arm... oh, i ain't gonna paint no more."

a bath followed.
as she painted her body, she was quoting the book.... "oh there ain't no harm, if i paint my arm... oh, i ain't gonna paint no more."

a bath followed.
for the love of the kids..
all of our parents love their grandkids... unconditionally.
our kids are lucky to spend three days a week with my mom and margie, soaking in all the love they have to share. one day two weeks ago, gammy takes it to an interesting level. ava convinced her to run thru the sprinkler.. fully clothed. come to think of it.. scott's dad, "papa" did it a week or so ago. some things are better left to the grandparents.

then today, when ava was supposed to be sleeping, my mom went in and told her to lay down. they then had the following conversation:
G: ava lay down, time to rest.
A: but g, i have to call someone.
G: who do you need to call ava?
A: my friend. i am not sure what her name is, but she lives in russia.
she keeps them on their toes to be sure.
our kids are lucky to spend three days a week with my mom and margie, soaking in all the love they have to share. one day two weeks ago, gammy takes it to an interesting level. ava convinced her to run thru the sprinkler.. fully clothed. come to think of it.. scott's dad, "papa" did it a week or so ago. some things are better left to the grandparents.

then today, when ava was supposed to be sleeping, my mom went in and told her to lay down. they then had the following conversation:
G: ava lay down, time to rest.
A: but g, i have to call someone.
G: who do you need to call ava?
A: my friend. i am not sure what her name is, but she lives in russia.
she keeps them on their toes to be sure.
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