summer is flying by. although it has been a quite cool summer, cooler than i like.. i can't complain about the weather. we have been outside everyday for as long as i can remember. the fresh air does wonders for the kids and me.
nothing too new to report. vinnie isn't walking yet... we are patiently waiting. i have to admit, as much as i would like him to walk.. i am glad that when we are in public places, there aren't two one year old wandering around.
florence so far is our only child who will willingly talk to strangers, or really has no shyness to be seen. it is interesting.. there are advantages and disadvantages to shyness. ava and vinnie stick close to me.. which is good because i always know where they are. it can at times prove to be frustrating though, as i can't "shake them" when i would like to. florie.. feels comfortable immediately, which leads to caring less where i am. which one is better? not sure one is better.
i hope your summer is swell.
I feel ripped off...Florie's photo is the same as LAST week's fave.