my apologies.
it has been well over a month now. i do have a reasonably good excuse, as our wireless internet went out for awhile. it is much easier to update while lounging on the couch, rather than making an effort to get to the desktop that is a not so convenient location.
what is new around here?
we had a great Thanksgiving. lots of family time. we ventured down to prior lake to scott's cousins house the weekend before. it was a nice time, as i am not sure the last time there was a gathering like that for a holiday. i presume scott's mom and sister were thrilled. more events entailed, with gathering the rest of the week. we are so fortunate to have family close that we get along with so well.
ava- is finally taking to school. she talks about it often, and is excited to go. the teachers even commented what a change she has made. we know she would need some time to get comfortable; we also knew that once she did, she would love school. we were correct on both predictions. we are still working on pooping on the toilet.. and you can be sure, i will post on that once it happens. arg. the advice we were given was, "she will do it when she is ready." so.. we wait.
vinnie- they are only to one nap a day now, which leaves the mornings for fun. vin loves to play with the cozy coupe, little people, and is babbling more and more. he is toughing up, and isn't quite the momma's boy he once was. it is all good though, as it is nice to see him trusting others more. his smile still brightens the room and warms my heart. he loves our dogs.
florie- interestingly enough, she has become more of a snuggler. maybe because there is finally a chance for her to be held? :) she is still a pistol, a joker, and a presistent little peanut. she is starting to look more like ava. she is a caretaker. she looks out and helps both ava and vin. like i have said before, what she lacks in size, she makes up for in personality. i can always count on her for a good laugh.
there you have it. my intentions are to update more often again.
i hope your hearts and homes are warm this holiday season.