Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Ava!

today our princess turns three. seems crazy that just three short years ago we were without children, knowing little of what our lives would become once you entered the world. you are smart, insightful, sensitive, caring, creative, artistic, and love life. your dad and I are forever grateful and amazed that god chose us to be your parents. we are often complimented by strangers how beautiful you are. they only see the outside.. what they miss is that you are more beautiful on the inside than youar eto the naked eye. you are a great big sister, and both vinnie and florie look up to you always. i am proud of you always. i wish you a life full of love and laughter. you are such a special gift. words can not express what you mean to us. all my love.


fave foto friday!

almost 11 months... florence james (if you didn't know)

almost 11 months.. vincent king

three years old.. ava nicole

the prince himself. scott thomas

enjoy the long weekend!

Friday, May 15, 2009

fave foto friday

not too much new to report this week.. i do have fotos of course.
this week (and most weeks) i don't have a new picture of scott for your viewing pleasure. he and i are the least photographed members of our family. we are the master's behind the camera. wink.
have a good week!

florie loves the swing.. she is our daredevil to be sure.

vinnie figured out how to "fall" from standing up recently

and miss ava loves her yogurt. this was her serious pose.


ava's first car.

happy belated mother's day to all who read this.
i didn't get any pictures of our festivities, but have some others for you.
ava was supposed to be napping in my dad's bed on mother's day.
when she was finally allowed to come out from her rest, the first thing she said was "whose yellow car is that in the driveway?" we all laughed, because clearly she was looking out the window instead of resting. anyhow, it was margie's sister-in-law's yellow corvette. ava thought it was pretty cool, and thought it was even cooler to sit in the driver seat.
the pictures aren't so good, but i thought she looked cute, and the story at least was post-worthy.

Friday, May 8, 2009

fave foto friday

here are fotos of four of my favorite people.

happy friday.


Monday, May 4, 2009

a glimpse of singlehood.

scott left to visit his sister who lives in los angelos wednesday night. i have been manning the fort by myself. we did go to my dad's for a bit over the weekend, however it is just not the same. i am not so sure i get any more of a "break" when he is home.. it just feels different. the freedom to run to target, or get groceries, dog food or 10 minutes of quiet. :)
we are all surviving, but miss him dearly. ava said the other night.. "it just isn't the same without daddy." she is absolutely correct.
